Arnaud's Blog

Opinions on open source, standards, and other things

On resuming this blog

I stopped posting to this blog many years ago when my work shifted away from things I wanted to express myself on publicly and because in an effort to boost traffic to IBM’s various websites we were asked to post there rather than on our personal blog.

I can’t say that I’ve missed it much to be honest, writing doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m impressed by people who have managed to keep posting on a regular basis way passed the time when blogs were super popular and everybody “had to have” one, before microblogging killed most of that. In my case, posting requires some real effort and it was easier to let it fall off the side than not.

But every now and then the thought crosses my mind that what I’m thinking or talking about at that moment would probably be worth posting about. I’m not so arrogant as to believe the world necessarily cares about what I think but at the same time, having just turned 60* on March 1st, I have undeniably gained some experience that includes at least a few things of value that I hope can be of interest to others.

So I decided I should give a shot at posting again. This is by no means a commitment to posting regularly but I have several ideas I might post on. Stay tuned.

* Note: Turning 60 has been pretty uneventful for me. I unfortunately can’t say that the past 60 years have left my body unchanged but as one would expect aging is a gradual process and I felt no different on my 60th birthday than the day before. 🙂

March 11, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments